I've been slack on letting everyone who is interested know when and where I will be in the weeks and months ahead. So here are my upcoming appearances at conventions and literary festivals through the rest of 2015:

HOOVER, AL (metro B'ham) Hoover Library
Sci Fi and Fantasy Festival
Bobby Nash and I will be doing panel discussions and the Barnes & Noble will have some of my books (including several of my most popular SF books and an AU book) for sale and for me to sign. This is a big library and we expect a good crowd.
Link for more info: http://www.hooverlibrary.org/sci-fi-fantasy
The granddaddy of the Southeastern conventions. My 18th visit overall and 8th time as a guest. It looks to begin on Thursday night when I moderate the James Bond anniversary panel, and continue straight through till Monday afternoon.
Link for more info: http://www.dragoncon.org/
COLLINSVILLE, IL (metro St Louis) Gateway Convention Center
My tenth appearance as a guest of "the Midwest's premiere SF &
F event."
This year I'll have a booth in the Dealers' Hall and be selling lots of stuff besides my own books.
I also expect to be on a number of panels again with other great guests.
Link for more info: http://archonstl.org/index.html
HUNTSVILLE, AL (Civic Center)
Rocket City Lit Fest
I'm a "Special Guest" of this brand new literary festival and it looks to be awesome. I will have a booth in the vendor area with all my books available including hardcovers.
Link for more info: http://www.rocketcitylitfest.com/